The days are getting longer, and nature is reborn. No doubt, spring has arrived!
Spring is a time that gives us more hours of light and pleasant temperatures. It allows us to enjoy outdoor activities, which improve our mood.
But the dreaded spring allergies accompanied by increased fatigue and so-called spring asthenia also raise their heads during this season of rejuvenation. Not to mention a disorder that causes symptoms such as tiredness, lack of energy, moodiness, or sadness.
Below we share some useful tips to take care of yourself in spring without suffering the consequences.
Stock up on Vitamin D
The sun’s return is the perfect opportunity to stock up on vitamin D. Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than usual, and give yourself a morning walk to enjoy the first light of the day. However, don’t forget to cover yourself well: the temperatures are still cool in the early morning even if the sun is shining.
Adopt a Healthy Diet
To strengthen your body and allow it to adapt to this time of year, bet on a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are more numerous on market stalls: take the opportunity to develop gourmet recipes that are good for your health. You can also consume fresh fruit juice in the morning when you wake up to fill up on vitamins.
Go to Bed Early
Because the days are longer, we may be tempted to go to bed later, disrupting our biological clock. It is important to preserve sleep by going to bed before midnight and observing 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
Practice a Physical Activity
The warmer temperatures allow you to practice outdoor physical activities, such as walking or running. To relax, you can also try energy exercises such as sophrology, allowing you to find harmony between your body and your mind.
Detoxify your Body
Spring is the perfect season to get rid of all the accumulated toxins. And there are several ways to do it! You can first follow a birch cure, the sap of which is harvested in the spring.
There are two types of birch sap:
- fresh sap, which is taken on an empty stomach every morning before breakfast for three weeks (between 150 and 250 ml per dose)
- stabilized sap, diluted in water, and consumed throughout the day for three weeks (3 capfuls of sap for one liter of water)
Whichever option you choose, you will benefit from the detoxifying properties of birch. In addition, you can practice self-massage to promote drainage.
Physical Activity
It is essential to accompany your healthy and balanced diet with exercise at least three times a week.
Physical exercise helps our body prevent cardiovascular or neurodegenerative diseases, controls weight, helps you sleep better, improves your mood, etc.
Skin Care
We must protect and care for our skin in spring. Prepare it for the cruelties of summer, chlorine in swimming pools, salt from the sea, or sun exposure.
For all skin types, you must carry out treatments to clean your epidermis, both of the face and your body. Carry out daily routines with moisturizing creams that help maintain healthy skin.
Consult Your Dermatologist
You should visit your dermatologist annually for a review to keep track of your skin. People with lighter skin should take special care. But all skin types must have an annual medical check-up.
Spring is a time with a tendency for our hair to fall, having a greater incidence in those people who suffer from this type of disorder.
Indeed, after winter, spring appears like a breath of fresh air. The Sun sets later, the temperatures are milder, and everything seems more pleasant! However, it is not always easy for your body to adapt to these changes. There can be many inconveniences when spring is just around the corner with allergies, colds, and difficulty concentrating. Fortunately, you can revitalize your body to get in shape and take full advantage of this season.
Allergy Testing, Deerfield Beach FL
Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps us maintain good health. At Hillsboro Urgent Care, our healthcare professionals are committed to providing the best family healthcare. Whether you’re faced with an allergy or looking for Allergy Testing in Deerfield Beach, FL, or for any other medical emergency, call (954) 884-5998 and visit our walk-in clinic in South Florida for help.