
What to Expect During Your STD Test?

STD Testing Deerfield Beach, FL | STD Test | STD Testing Center

What to Expect During Your STD Test?

Sexual health is an important aspect of one’s overall general health. Many people don’t understand how severe STDs can be if left untreated. Unfortunately, many people do not seek treatment because they are too embarrassed or don’t realize they have symptoms. To combat this, here is a guide to basic STD testing information! If you believe you have any of the STDs or HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), then get tested today at Hillsboro Urgent Care.

What is an STD?

Sexually transmitted diseases, abbreviated as STDs, are infections that are spread between people through sexual contact or intercourse. Caused by bacteria, parasites, and viruses, STDs can either be a nagging pain or become something more severe. Hillsboro Urgent Care recommends all sexually active individuals to get tested for STDs regularly, even if you do not display symptoms.

If you live in the Deerfield Beach area and need STD testing, the team at Hillsboro Urgent Care can help. At Hillsboro Urgent Care, we offer walk-in STD testing for our patients. No appointment is necessary! When you walk in and take an STD test, our team will give you the best care and help diagnose and treat any infections or diseases from which you may be suffering. Continue reading to learn more about common types of STDs that Hillsboro Urgent Care tests for.


Hillsboro Urgent Care recommends that all sexually active individuals get tested annually for chlamydia. When you go get tested, a urine sample normally is sufficient to help our professionals detect if you have chlamydia. However, certain cases may require a swap of the urethra to detect chlamydia. Make sure to tell your doctor if you have engaged in anal or oral sex, as chlamydia can be found in those areas as well.


Similar to chlamydia, Hillsboro Urgent Care also recommends all sexually active individuals to be tested annually for gonorrhea. The procedure for testing for gonorrhea is the same as for chlamydia, as gonorrhea can be found in the genitals, throat, or anus. 


The most commonly known STD, herpes is a complex and difficult STD to test for. Currently, screenings for genital herpes are underdeveloped. However, Hillsboro Urgent Care can still test for both types of herpes depending upon whether or not sores are visible. Where the sores are located will dictate which type of herpes you have. Cold sores, also known as type 1 herpes, is located initially on the face. These sores can transfer to the genitals if presently visible. Genital sores, known as type 2, are sores initially found on the genitals. Speak to your doctor about where the sores are located and what testing measures should be taken.


Another common STD for sexually active individuals, trichomoniasis can occur from engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners. To test for trichomoniasis, your doctor may need to swab your penis or vagina to get the most accurate results.  

HIV Testing

Hillsboro Urgent Care also can perform HIV testing for those in Deerfield Beach. A common misconception is that HIV only affects homosexual men, but this simply is not the case. Anyone can get HIV, and all sexually active individuals to be tested annually. To test for HIV, a blood test is performed. The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once in their lifetime. To learn if you have HIV, get tested at Hillsboro Urgent Care today.

Contact Us Today!

At Hillsboro Urgent Care, we’re here to ensure that every aspect of you is healthy, including your sexual health. Come in today for an STD test and allow the medical professionals at Hillsboro Urgent Care to get you back to your life in under an hour. Conveniently located at 220 SW Natura Avenue, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441, Hillsboro Urgent Care is open every day except Sundays. If you have recently sustained an injury and need medical treatment, please visit our walk-in clinic today! If you are interested in STD Testing, lab testing, or our Primary Care services, please give us a call at (954) 360-7000 to schedule your appointment today!

Contact Us

220 SW Natura Avenue

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Phone: (954) 360-7000

Fax: (954) 360-7511

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday




